For detailed terms and conditions, click here
For Schedule of Service Charges, click here
^Online reload facility is available only when you are traveling abroad. Reload requirement is taken as a service request and the card
is loaded subsequently.
*Exchange rate prevailing on the day of Standard Chartered Multi-Currency Forex Card is loaded will be applicable. There is no
additional mark up when you utilise funds of the primary currency in the country of travel, e.g., SGD in Singapore, AED in Dubai,
#Contactless transaction limit on your Standard Chartered Multi-Currency Forex Card will be based on the country you visit. Please
refer to the regulatory guidelines of the country you are visiting.
Do not share your internet banking details, such as user ID/password or your credit/debit card number/CVV/OTP, TPIN with anyone - either over the phone or through email. To know more, click here